There are sadly too many true stories from Disabled People about their treatment at the hands of the Department for Work and Pensions. Although Gotcha! The Fault Lines of a Broken Syatem is a fictional story it is based in fact. The DWP were this year given new powers to look into the bank accounts of Disabled benefit claimants. This ia what drove us in a call to action to make our play.
The play tells the story of Bobby, a Disabled Person who gets investigated by the DWP `and the effect this has on his life.
The next performance of this play will be at 5.30pm on 11th October at Whitton Community Centre. This is a free performance. Doors open at 5pm and the event will finish at 7.
This year we have been working on Gotcha! in our usual space in Twickenham and also at Patch where we rehearsed. We performed in June at Ham Youth Club. We had a summer break and now we are back with a smaller cast for our upcoming show...
Don’t miss us on Friday 11th October!
